Sunday, January 17, 2010

To market to market to buy a toilet: Reality Check 2

The biggest fear I have in India is of public toilets. And of sh!@ on the streets but that part I can do nothing about.

I need professional help, you say? I have already sought it in the form of an analyst who said its too bad but I have mild OCD I'm just going to have to live with. And so I have decided to cope the way I can. While living in India I coped by not visiting facilities that were doubtful and having nightmares of facilities that I did visit and that were unspeakable. The nightmares were too much to deal with so this time around I have decided to do the smart thing. If I cannot find a facility that is not unspeakable, I'll just have to have a facility on my person at all times. I considered adult diapers but that seems a bit much and unavoidable in later years so why start now? No this solution seems a better one.

And since this is the most mature market as far as product lines are concerned, the US I mean, I find I have a plethora of portable facilities to choose from. Some come with tents, others are pop up things, some fold into a tiny square, others are bulkier. They have shower attachments and such too, you see.

Without going into more gory detail, just suffice to say, I am totally thrilled that for a mere $200 or so all my toilet nightmares may just be a thing of the past. One major issue with India dealt with. Check.

Yes yes I know, I need more professional help than I might have originally imagined. I'm dialing my analyst as I write this.

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