In a most politically incorrect manner too for moving from the richest country in the world to err....a developing nation country is going to take some adjustment, never mind that I'm from there. It takes only a short time to get completely spoilt, which we now are.
Why go back, I sometimes ask myself at 3:00 am. Why leave this idyllic existence for...well...who knows what? I haven't lived in India since 1996. Its been a while. Lots has changed.
Sentimental family reasons abound, good sound ones too, which make the decision irrevocable but it doesn't mean I don't question it during the darkest hours of the night and worry and worry and worry. Worrying is what I do best, after all.
India is an interesting country. A land of polar opposites--the best and worst of humanity co-exist side by side. The most opulent sits perched beside the most wretched. The most inefficient limps along trying to keep up with state of the art bleeding edge stuff. The end result is a colossal, confusing mess but with a method to its madness. A method that is a mystery, far too difficult to understand. But as someone said in the movie--Outsourcing--"don't fight it. If you fight it you'll be unhappy. Accept it, let it wash all over you."
That is India in a nutshell.
Take a deep breath relax. Accept. After all, its fate, I will tell myself.
Lets see now if I can pull this off.
Four months to go to touchdown. Lots of worrying left, lots of planning. I am sitting cross-legged, my eyes are closed.
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